تاریخ جهان دادگاه جهان است (۱۲)
قرنِ نوزدهم، یکی از پربارترینِ اعصار تاریخِ بشری

Combined: 1800 to 1900
1801 |
Richard Trevithick developes high-pressure steam engine |
1801 |
Thomas Jefferson becomes American President |
1803 |
Napoleon sells Louisiana to America to finance his wars |
1804 |
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark start fact-finding voyage across America |
1804 |
Death of Emmanuel Kant (philosopher) |
1804 |
Francis II declared first hereditary emperor of Austria |
1804 |
Napoleon makes himself Emperor of France |
1805 |
Death of Friedrich von Schiller (poet) |
1805 |
British under Lord Horatio Nelson defeat Napoleon at Trafalgar |
1806 |
Prussians defeated by Napoleon at Jena |
1806 |
German Empire re-organized by Napoleon - end of Holy Roman Empire |
1807 |
Russia signs friendly Treaty of Tilsit with Napoleon |
1807 |
Slave trade abolished in Britain |
1807 |
Napoleon controls most of Europe |
1808 |
Napoleon takes Spain but loses it again in Peninsula Wars |
1809 |
Uprising in Germany and Austria - war against Napoleon renewed |
1810 |
Argentina first South American state to declare independence |
1810 |
Simón Bolívar leads uprising against Spaniards in Venezuela |
1811 |
Luddite riots against new technologies |
1812 |
Napoleon's Grand Army destroyed - retreat from Moscow |
1812 |
French and British forces repel American attacks on Canada |
1813 |
Interior of Australia begins to be opened up |
1814 |
British forces burn Washington before negotiating peace for Canada |
1814 |
Congress of Vienna - after Napoleon's defeat, Russia gains Poland and Finland, |
1814 |
Bourbon monarchy restored with Louis XVIII |
1814 |
British missionaries start to convert Maoris of New Zealand |
1814 |
George Stevenson builds first steam locomotive |
1814 |
Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden |
1814 |
Dutch cede CapeColony to British |
1815 |
Napoleon escapes exile in Elba and re-takes Paris |
1815 |
British under Duke of Wellington finally defeat Napoleon at Waterloo |
1817 |
Death of Jane Austen (writer) |
1819 |
Sir Stanford Raffles founds British settlement at Singapore |
1819 |
Spain cedes Florida territory to America |
1820 |
Death of King George III of England |
1820 |
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine - pre-cursor to computer |
1822 |
Brazil becomes nominally independent of Portugal |
1822 |
Colony for freed American slaves established in Liberia |
1824 |
Repeal of Combination Acts - trade unions now legal in Britain |
1824 |
Death of Lord Byron (poet) |
1824 |
Charles X succedes as King of France |
1825 |
Nicholas I becomes Tsar of Russia - Decembrist Uprising |
1825 |
First railway (Stockton to Darligton) opened |
1826 |
Dutch steamship "Curaçao" first to cross Atlantic |
1826 |
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die |
1827 |
Death of Ludwig van Beethoven (composer) |
1827 |
Death of John Dalton (chemist) |
1827 |
Death of William Blake (poet and artist) |
1828 |
Death of Francisco Goya (artist) |
1828 |
Death of Chaka, great Zulu conqueror |
1829 |
Catholic Emancipation Act passed in Britain |
1829 |
London Police Force established by Sir Robert Peel |
1830 |
Belgian revolution establishes independence from Netherlands |
1830 |
Polish rebellion against Russia defeated |
1830 |
Death of George IV - accession of William IV |
1830 |
Mormon sect founded by Joseph Smith |
1830 |
July Revolution makes Louis-Philippe "Citizen-King" |
1830 |
Simón Bolívar dies having liberated northern half of South America |
1830 |
French capture Algeria from Turks |
1831 |
Death of Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (philosopher) |
1831 |
Greece gains independence from Turkey with help from Britain |
1832 |
Death of Johann Goethe (poet) |
1832 |
Death of Sir Walter Scott (poet) |
1832 |
First Parliamentary Reform Bill passed |
1833 |
Death of Edmund Keane (Shakespearean actor) |
1834 |
Tolpuddle Martyrs victimised to discourage trade unions |
1834 |
Carlist Wars in Spain |
1835 |
Conservative Party established by Sir Robert Peel |
1836 |
People's Charter published by Chartists |
1836 |
Great Trek of Boers (Afrikaners) from British South Africa |
1837 |
Queen Victoria comes to British throne |
1837 |
Death of John Constable (artist) |
1837 |
Death of Alexander Pushkin (poet) |
1837 |
Early photography pioneered by Louis Daguerre |
1838 |
Trail of Tears - mass relocation of American Indians |
1839 |
British force Chinese to expand trade in Opium Wars |
1840 |
Victoria marries Albert of Saxe-Coburg |
1840 |
End of British practice of deporting convicts to Australia |
1840 |
British officially control New Zealand |
1840 |
Upper and Lower Canada re-unified |
1840 |
Pierre Joseph Proudhon propounds anarchist view that "property is theft" |
1841 |
China cedes Hong Kong to Britain |
1841 |
David Livingstone begins African explorations |
1841 |
China cedes Hong Kong to Britain |
1846 |
Great Potato Famine in Ireland |
1848 |
Pre-Raphaelites advocate return to simple naturalism in art |
1848 |
Francis Joseph accedes to Austrian throne after rising |
1848 |
Hungary declares independence from Austrian Empire |
1848 |
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish "Communist Manifesto" |
1848 |
Texas becomes part of America after wars with Mexico |
1848 |
California Gold Rush begins |
1848 |
Louis-Philippe abdicates - SecondRepublic declared |
1849 |
Henry David Thoreau publishes "Civil Disobedience" |
1849 |
Self-government established in Canada |
1849 |
Papal regime restored after rebellion declared Rome a republic |
1849 |
Giuseppe Garibaldi defends Italy against France and Austria |
1850 |
Death of William Wordsworth (poet) |
1851 |
Death of William Turner (artist) |
1851 |
First Great Exhibition in CrystalPalace, London |
1851 |
Gold discovered in Australia |
1852 |
New Zealand's constitution established |
1852 |
Louis Napoleon declares himself Emperor Napoleon III |
1854 |
Crimean War - Russia against England and France |
1855 |
Alexander II becomes Tsar of Russia |
1855 |
David Livingstone "discovers" Victoria Falls |
1856 |
William Gladstone grants home rule to Ireland |
1857 |
Sepoy Rebellion - Indian army mutinies against British |
1857 |
Death of Auguste Comte (philosopher) |
1859 |
Charles Darwin publishes "Origin of Species" |
1860 |
Piedmont and most of Italy united under Garibaldi |
1860 |
Death of Honoré de Balzac (writer) |
1861 |
Emancipation of serfs in Russia |
1861 |
Abraham Lincoln becomes President of America |
1861 |
Start of American Civil War |
1861 |
John Stuart Mill publishes "Utilitarianism" |
1861 |
Victor Emmanel proclaimed King of Italy by first Parliament |
1862 |
Otto von Bismark becomes First Minister of Prussia at its height |
1863 |
Abraham Lincoln gives Gettysburg Address speech |
1863 |
Death of Eugene Delacroix (artist) |
1863 |
Maximilian of Austria made Emperor of Mexico - shot in 1867 |
1865 |
Tashkent becomes centre of Russian expansion in Central Asia |
1865 |
End of American Civil War |
1865 |
Abolition of slavery in America |
1866 |
Prussia captures Schleswig-Holstein from Denmark and Austria |
1866 |
Anti-black Ku Klux Klan formed |
1866 |
Swede Alfred Nobel produces dynamite |
1867 |
Death of Michael Faraday (physicist) |
1867 |
End of transportation of criminals to Australia |
1867 |
America buys Alaska from Russia |
1867 |
Confederation of Canada |
1867 |
Confederation of North German States established |
1867 |
Emperor Meiji restored after centuries of Shogun rule |
1868 |
Benjamin Disraeli becomes British Prime Minister |
1868 |
Revolution deposes Queen Isabella II of Spain |
1868 |
Death of Giacchino Rossini (composer) |
1869 |
Suez Canal opened in Egypt |
1870 |
Death of Charles Dickens (writer) |
1870 |
Napoleon III attacks Prussia |
1870 |
Prussia war against France culminates in Siege of Paris |
1870 |
Death of Alexander Dumas (writer) |
1870 |
Rome and Papal states annexed to Kingdom of Italy |
1871 |
Trade unions legalized in Britain |
1871 |
Commune of Paris crushed - Adolphe Thiers made President of French Republic |
1871 |
Prussia under Otto von Bismark annexes Alsace and Lorraine from France |
1871 |
Henry Stanley finds David Livingstone near Lake Tanganyika |
1871 |
Prussia under Otto von Bismark annexes Alsace and Lorraine from France |
1871 |
William I of Prussia proclaimed German Emperor (Kaiser) |
1872 |
Self-rule granted to CapeColony in South Africa |
1873 |
FirstRepublic of Spain declared |
1874 |
Benjamin Disraeli becomes British Prime minister for second time |
1874 |
First Impressionist exhibition (named after Monet painting) |
1876 |
Death of Mikhail Bakunin (Russian anarchist) |
1876 |
Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone |
1876 |
Great Famine in Southern India kills over 5 million |
1876 |
Custers Last Stand - killed fighting in Indian Wars |
1876 |
Dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz begins in Mexico |
1876 |
Belgium under king Leopold II annexes African Congo |
1876 |
Richard Wagner completes his "Ring" cycle of operas |
1877 |
Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India |
1877 |
Thomas Edison invents first phonograph |
1877 |
Satsuma Rebellion in Japan against introduction of new ideas |
1878 |
Salvation Army founded by Rev William Booth |
1878 |
Russo-Turkish War liberates Serbia and Rumania from Turkish rule |
1878 |
Thomas Edison develops electric light |
1879 |
Britain and France take control of Egypt and Suez Canal |
1879 |
Zulu War in South Africa |
1880 |
Death of Gustave Flaubert (writer) |
1881 |
William Gladstone becomes Prime Minister of Britain |
1881 |
Start of pogroms against Russian Jews |
1881 |
Death of Fyodor Dostoyevski (writer) |
1881 |
Wyatt Earp in OK Corral gunfight |
1881 |
French annexe Tunisia and other North African possessions |
1882 |
Turks lose control of most of their old territories |
1882 |
Jesse James shot by own gang member |
1882 |
Germany, Austria and Italy establish Triple Alliance |
1883 |
Revolt against British rule in Sudan |
1883 |
Death of Edouard Manet (artist) |
1883 |
Revolt against British rule in Sudan |
1883 |
Eruption of Krakatoa Volcano, Indonesia (35,000 killed) |
1883 |
Death of Richard Wagner (composer) |
1884 |
Third Parliamentary Reform Bill passed |
1884 |
Russia expands into Turkistan, Caucuses and eastwards |
1885 |
Death of Victor Hugo (writer) |
1885 |
George Eastman markets first box camera |
1885 |
Germany annexes south-western and parts of eastern Africa |
1886 |
All American Indians now in reservations |
1886 |
Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz produce first automobiles |
1887 |
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle writes first Shelock Holmes book |
1888 |
Kaiser William II comes to power |
1889 |
EiffelTower built in Paris (designed by Gustave Alexandre Eiffel) |
1889 |
Brazil officially declared a republic |
1889 |
Henry Stanley completes his explorations of Africa |
1890 |
London Underground (electric subway system) opens |
1890 |
Death of Vincent Van Gogh (artist) |
1890 |
Lumière bothers develop motion pictures |
1890 |
Cecil Rhodes becomes Prime Minister of Cape Colony |
1890 |
William II removes Bismark as Chancellor |
1891 |
Death of Arthur Rimbaud (Symbolist poet) |
1892 |
Death of Alfred Lord Tennyson (poet) |
1892 |
Death of Walt Whitman (poet) |
1893 |
British Labour Party formed |
1893 |
New Zealand becomes first country to give vote to women |
1893 |
Death of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (composer) |
1894 |
Nicholas II becomes last Romanov Tsar of Russia |
1894 |
Alfred Dreyfus convicted of treason |
1894 |
Japan invades China - annexes Formosa and Korea |
1895 |
Death of Louis Pasteur (chemist) |
1895 |
Guglielmo Marconi sends first radio message |
1895 |
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers x-rays |
1896 |
Klondike Gold Rush in Alaska and Yukon |
1896 |
Siam guarenteed independence from China by Britain and France |
1897 |
Greek-Turkish War |
1897 |
First zeppelin airship launched |
1898 |
Spain loses rest of its empire in Spanish-American War |
1898 |
Horatio Earl Kitchener re-conquers Sudan for Britain |
1899 |
Beginning of Boer War in South Africa |
1900 |
British establish control over much of east and central Africa |
1900 |
Boxer Rising in China attempts to expel all foreigners |
1900 |
Death of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietsche (philosopher) |
1900 |
Death of Oscar Wilde (writer) |
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